
TrueOcean marine Big Data beyond GIS-Systems - Article

TrueOcean: Advancing Marine Big Data Handling beyond GIS-Systems

Discover why TrueOcean represents a groundbreaking advancement in cloud-based GIS-like technologies for the Offshore Wind industry.

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TrueOcean streamlines data management in offshore wind - Blog

Streamlining Offshore Projects with TrueOcean's Data Management Power

Discover the significance of marine data and how TrueOcean MDP optimises data management for successful offshore wind projects.

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KielSecurityConference about critical infrastructure

How do we protect Critical Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea and beyond?

security of critical infrastructure is the topic of the KielSecurityConference, adressed by hackathon team.

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The team from wins category in the DataRun hackathon in Hamburg.'s Hackathon Team completes App in 24 Hours and wins the DataRun2023 GmbH wins 5th DataRun of BMDV in category 'Most unusual approach' with an app for more security of critical infrastructures (CRITIS) in the...

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TrueOcean at Windforce 2023 - Event

20th WINDFORCE Conference: Uniting Climate Protection & Value Creation

Read our takeaways from the 20th WINDFORCE Conference which focused on cross-industry collaboration, and sustainable energy solutions.

Read more CEO Jann Wendt, Silicon Valley, NVIDIA & GEOMAR explore NVIDIA's Innovations in Silicon Valley CEO Jann Wendt visits NVIDIA in Silicon Valley, meeting Shilpa Kolhatkar, Geoffrey Levene, John Ashley, and Jochen Papenbrock.

Read more tema lead Marcel Louwers, DataRun2023 Hackathon Team gears up for Digital Ministry's DataRun2023.

At the DataRun 2023, the hackathon team by will develop an app to monitor critical infrastructure with the help of AI.

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TrueOcean eliminates waste in data workflows - Blog

How a Marine Data Platform Eliminates Waste in Offshore Data Workflows

Discover how's platform eliminates waste and automates data workflows to provide quantifiable reduction of costs for the offshore wind...

Read more project manager Sarah Gebauer presents Marispace-X at TDWI.

WELCOME TO THE DATA UNIVERSE - presents at TDWI Munich presented on June 21 at the TDWI Munich 2023 the goals and concepts of Gaia-X as well as Marispace-X.

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