
Digital Maps,'s cloud-based Geospatial Data Hub - Blog - Featured Image

Digital Maps: Unveiling's Original Mapping Capabilities

Explore the mapping capabilities of's cloud-based Geospatial Data Hub. Access, edit, and collaborate on our digital maps, anywhere, anytime.

Read more 2023 wrap blog

Reflecting on a year of achievements at!

As we say goodbye to 2023, it's with immense joy and gratitude that we look back on the incredible journey we've had at

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Looking back at the Digital Summit: A successful participation for CEO & Marispace-X Coordinator Jann Wendt presents the Cloud Dataspace project to the German Chancellor at the Digital Summit in Jena

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Why Apache Parquet/GeoParquet is key for Cloud Geodata Management - Blog

Why Apache Parquet/GeoParquet is key for Cloud Geodata Management

Discover the future of geodata management with Apache Parquet/GeoParquet, the open-source format optimised for cloud environments.

Read more CEO and Marispace-X Coordinator Jann Wendt is interviewed at the Digital-Gipfel 2023 CEO to present Maritime Data Space project to Chancellor Scholz at Digital Summit CEO & Marispace-X Coordinator Jann Wendt presents the Cloud Dataspace project to the German Chancellor at the Digital Summit 2023 in Jena.

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Benefits of SaaS for Finance and IT - Blog

Why SaaS is beneficial for Finance and IT

Discover the benefits of SaaS in Finance and IT—cost-efficient workflows, ease of use, seamless integration—the key to modern enterprise efficiency.

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ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023: is Breaking Waves in GIS with Maritime Dataspaces CEO Jann Wendt spoke at International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2023 on maritime dataspaces.

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Smart City Expo 2023: TrueEarth Unlocks the Future of Smart Cities showcases it's geodata management platform TrueEarth at Smart City Expo in Barcelona 2023.

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Metadata Marine Survey - Image

Survey: Shape the Future of Marine Survey Metadata

This survey aims to get a better understanding of how metadata is handled for marine survey projects. Help us shape the future of marine survey...

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