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Boys‘ Day 2024: Tim Explores Exciting Insights at north.io

Boys‘ Day 2024: Tim Explores Exciting Insights at north.io

Kiel, Germany - Tim S. (11) from the Wolfgang-Borchert-Gymnasium in Halstenbek near Hamburg had the opportunity to spend an exciting day at north.io. As part of the nationwide Boys‘ Day initiative, he delved into the world of Artificial Intelligence and software development. "I am very interested in math and programming, and I find it fascinating how Artificial Intelligence can contribute to solving many problems," explains Tim.

At Boys' Day, Tim received an introduction to the research project GEOSTOR 1 from Jula, a working student at north.io.

During his visit, Tim received an introduction to the research project GEOSTOR 1 from Jula, a working student at north.io. The project aims to identify potential storage locations for carbon dioxide (CO2) in the North Sea by developing and training AI models to find the best and safest geological location for storage.

The Boys‘ Day aims to introduce boys to professions where they are underrepresented and to provide an opportunity to explore fields where predominantly women work.

At Boys'Day Tim explored exciting insights at north.io

At north.io, although the software development department is predominantly male, there are also departments where women prevail. This includes areas such as communication or "People and Culture," which focuses on the targeted planning and development of the company's 71 employees to ensure a sustainable and motivated workforce.

"My customers are my employees," says Sophie, the Austrian head of the HR department, to Tim. She primarily seeks new international talents for the workforce and takes care of the work environment because, as she emphasizes, "A company is only as good as its employees feel." Exceptionally, she speaks with Tim in German; normally, English is spoken in the company due to its international composition. 

At Boys'Day Tim wrote a report about his experience at north.io

"It's fascinating to see what AI can achieve - so many exciting fields that interest me greatly. I also really appreciate the relaxed nature of the employees," Tim concludes his day at the science park at north.io as he writes his school report.

(Top Picture: Tim with Sophie and colleague Marten) 

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