Blog GmbH and K.U.M. Environmental- and Marine Technology GmbH and K.U.M cooperate in developing Buoy System for monitoring Munitions in the Seas GmbH and K.U.M. Environmental- and Marine Technology GmbH are working on solutions for monitoring munitions in the sea

Read more CEO Jann Wendt at Gaia-X Roadshow in Hamburg

Jann Wendt explores Gaia-X's Support for Maritime Projects at Roadshow's CEO Jann Wendt Explores How Gaia-X Empowers Maritime Projects, from Offshore Wind Farms to Ammunition Waste Disposal at roadshow event

Read more CEO Jann Wendt, Minister of Digitization Dirk Schröter

Marispace-X gets the Stage at the Hannover Messe 2022 CEO Jann Wendt presents marine data space project Marispace-X at the Hannover Messe 2022.

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Marispace-X received fund from the federal government

Marispace-X received funding notice!

Today we received the official funding notification from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection for our Marispace-X project...

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Marispace-X gets feature in the Business-IT-journal

Marispace-X takes off - The Digitization of the maritime World

Digitization is taking hold and reaching the world's oceans. The largest industry-driven project in this context is Marispace-X. How the attempt to...

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Jann Wendt is interviewed about Use Cases of Gaia-x, specifically Marispace-X.

Use Cases of Gaia-X - Interview with Jann Wendt

Over 70 Gaia-X projects are developing the technical requirements for Europe's future cloud ecosystem. Marispace-Xis exploring the ocean data spaces....

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Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger meets CEO Jann Wendt

Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger praises project Marispace-X

German Research Minister Stark-Watzinger's visits The focus is on the digitisation of the oceans through Marispace-X.

Read more's maritime Gaia-X project Marispace-X is featured by IT-BUSINESS Podcast's maritime Gaia-X project is featured by IT-BUSINESS Podcast

For their episode of the IT BUSINESS Podcast, Sarah Böttcher and Ann-Marie Struck take a look at the goals and the use cases of the Marispace-X...

Read more CEO Jann Wendt, Minister President Günther and Science Minister Bettina Martin

Minister-President Daniel Günther announces New Digital Cooperation in the Maritime Space between Rostock and Kiel

Minister-President Daniel Günther and Science Minister Bettina Martin from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania gave a press conference to inform about the...

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