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Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger praises north.io project Marispace-X

Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger praises north.io project Marispace-X

Germany's Federal Research Minister Stark-Watzinger visited the north.io team in Kiel this week to learn more about the Gaia-X project Marispace-X. The Minister was accompanied by MP Gyde Jensen. They were welcomed by Marispace-X project coordinator Jann Wendt on the premises of north.io GmbH.

Marispace-X makes important contribution to sustainability goals

In a one-hour exchange, Mr. Wendt gave his guests an in-depth insight into the 15 million euro project and in particular the new possibilities that a cross-domain virtual space for all available maritime data can offer users from business, science, authorities or NGOs in the future.

The focus was on the four application-oriented pilot projects that the consortium is jointly driving forward, on data exchange in infrastructure projects such as offshore wind farms and on the data-based and AI-supported search for old munitions in the North and Baltic Seas, the optimised cultivation of seagrass meadows as a natural CO2 store, through to the Internet-of-Underwater-Things.

Federal Research Minister Stark-Watzinger was impressed at the end of the talk and praised the strong application, economic and environmental orientation of Marispace-X, seeing it as a good example of "how digitally-supported innovation from research-strong SMEs makes an important contribution to our sustainability goals, which also coincide with the 2030 Agenda".

Photo, from left to right:

Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Federal Research Minister; Jann Wendt, CEO of north.io.

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